Quilted joy

I’m Angela- Co-host of the Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting PBS show. APQS Long arm Dealer and Educator. Triplet Momma. Designer. Thread Bimbo.

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Quilted joy
Thread Addict On Display
Hello. My name is Angela and I am a thread addict.Every color, every kind, every size (well, mostly cones). I...
Cool New Tool
I've been to seven major quilt shows this year and at some point many of the products/tools all start to...
Two Quilts Juried Into the PA Extravaganza
Will you be attending the PA Quilt Extravaganza show this weekend? If so, stop by the APQS booth and say...
Lancaster, PA Quilt Show Closeups
As you can see from the photos, when I take photos of quilts I forget to get wide shots and...
Lancaster, PA Quilt Show
I spent last week in Lancaster, PA for the AQS quilt show. We set up the APQS longarm machines and...
Yogi On Patrol Page from Digital Scrapbooking Class
I am so far behind in my digital scrapbooking class I'm taking over at JessicaSprague.comOur older kitty, Yogi, has an...
Oskar's Tummy Trap Scrapbooking Page
I'm taking an advanced scrapbooking class over at JessicaSprague.com Our first lesson was this grunge layout where I've sharpened my...
Best of Show at Philly show 2010
This quilt stopped me in my tracks. I was knocked over by the incredible beauty and talent displayed in this...
Drop Dead Gorgeous Quilt by Claudia Pfeil
Have you seen one of Claudia Pfeil's amazing works of art? When I grow up I want to have one...
More PA Show Quilts and Arline is at it again!
I have more quilts to share with you from the PA Quilt Extravaganza show I attended in Philly. There were...
More Ky State Fair Inspiration
Part 2 of my Ky State Fair Fun: There were so many things to see at the fair and I...
Featured Quilter of the week- ME!
I'm the featured quilter over at MQR. Looky, looky! Oh, and Oskar got fixed. He is doing great and growing...
Itteh Bitteh Kitteh Committeh newest member
For the last three years the kidlets and I have been going up once a week to the no kill...
My 8th Photo
My friend, Allison, at Act of Sweetness posted this activity, which is currently floating among bloggers. Here are the directions:...
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day, Mom! You keep your sense of humor through the midst of trials and remind me to keep...
More Paducah Lovelies
More eye candy from Paducah. Most of my photos are just close ups of fabulous quilting and not the overall...
Kitty in the Garden
All of my azaleas are in bloom, the dogwood trees are strutting their stuff and the tulips are out for...
Sarah's Rose Garden Quilt & a Parrot's "Bird day"
Sarah's quilt is on the frame right now and I really like the modified Dresden Plate. I've always loved curves...
Kentucky Quilter's Day Out
This Saturday is the annual Kentucky Quilter's Day Out quilt show in Louisville, KY. All of the 15 quilt guilds...
One Year Ago Today, Dad Made His Transition
One year ago today, my dad lost his battle with cancer. He was 59. I miss his bear hugs, his...