My friend, Allison, at Act of Sweetness posted this activity, which is currently floating among bloggers. Here are the directions:
  1. Go to your photo files, select the 8th photo folder.
  2. Select the 8th photo in that folder.
  3. Post that photo along with the story behind it.
  4. Then challenge 8 blogging friends to do the same!
I won't call anyone out specifically but if you have a blog, please join in! Here's what I found:
The Kidlets meet Santa and Mrs. Claus
My town has a great twins club that throws wonderful events for families of multiples. This photo is from the breakfast with Santa event. Santa and Mrs. Claus make this event so memorable for the children. There are crafts, goodie bags and, of course, time to talk to Santa without feeling rushed. Taking triplets out in public when they are young is always an ordeal. You'd be amazed at what total strangers will say and do. I've been grilled on my fertility history by strangers, told that they'd commit suicide if they had this many children at once, and I was told once that they would pray for me because they just knew I must really hate my life trying to deal with 3 toddlers. So, you can see that standing in a long line at the mall isn't a great idea, nor does it increase the Christmas spirit. Plus, the average mall Santa doesn't have enough room on his throne to hold all the babies at once. The twins club Santa's breakfast is just perfect for multiples! The year this was taken GooseyGirl had a name tag on and when Mrs. Claus passed by she looked right at GooseyGirl and called her by name. You should have seen her eyes! GooseyGirl couldn't believe Mrs. Claus knew her by name! :) I love RocketMan's face while he is sitting on Santa's lap. He has this contained trepidation and embarrassment going on all at the same time. Okay, what is your 8th photo?

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