I have more quilts to share with you from the PA Quilt Extravaganza show I attended in Philly. There were some really beautiful quilts! Here is one of my favorites. Again, I didn't get a wide shot. You can tell I'm all about the quilting, eh? 

The fabric is a cotton velour of some sort so it looked like suede and I was itching to touch it but of course, that is a big no-no. The quilt had some crystals but it was subtle and not over the top. The whole quilt had an understated elegance that I just loved.

The next two quilts were made by a very proud APQS Lenni owner. I met her at the booth but I can't remember her name! If you know who it is please drop me a note so I can share it here. The first one is her cat quilt. Take a look at her kitty filler she used. Isn't that playful and fun?
The next quilt she had in the show was one based on Ghandi. I've included the info paper that was attached to this quilt. It really struck me. What talent, eh?
And finally, the last two quilts I want to show you are from Arline. She is at it again! Arline is blessing all of her relatives with quilts and these were two I recently finished for her.
Arline has some lucky relatives, eh? These lovely lady panels are well done and the colors are striking. That rusty orange color follows me home from the quilt shop all the time. I'm always suprised when I realize it too. I'm really draw to that color for some reason.
Arline chose the Lime Tree Pantograph for both of her quilts and they look great!

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