Angela Huffman
Writer, Educator, Speaker, and Founder of Quilted Joy.
Available for Guild Events, Quilt Shows, Retreats, Conferences
BOOK ANGELAAngela is currently booking a limited number of teaching engagements. Would you like Angela to teach at your guild or event? She is available for a variety of lectures, piecing classes, design classes, and hands-on machine quilting classes for both longarm and domestic machines- all of which are listed below. For more information, please contact Angela through our contact form.
Want to know more about Angela’s background? Check out her bio.
6 Hour Classes
Piecing/ Applique

Fabric Collage Animals
6 hours
Have you see the amazing collage quilts using the Laura Heine animal patterns? They are a true expression of the maker but can be intimidating to work on. Join Angela in this class where she will guide you through selecting and placing fabrics that bring your collage animal to life. There is homework that must be done prior to class so that we can get as much done in class as possible. You will need to prepare and cut different flowers and other motifs of all sizes to have at your disposal in class. Come to class ready to discover new things about color, contrast and placement. LEVEL: All levels

6 hrs
The beauty of a two color quilt can’t be denied. They are timeless classics. This quilt is a show stopper full of simple tricks to maintain accuracy giving the quilt top circular movement with straight piecing. The large borders anchor the quilt top with four paper pieced cornerstones that provide an easy lesson in drafting your own paper piecing patterns to crown your glorious quilt top. This piecing class will also discuss the machine quilting choices and motifs used to elevate the plain blocks and borders. Students will need to purchase or bring two specialized rulers for this class- Studio 180 Square Squared and Studio 180 Diamond Rects. This class is for all levels.

Moon Hopper
6 hrs
This quilt looks complicated but amazingly the entire quilt is made from only two pieced units! Learn the power of the V block in this stunning quilt top that forms secondary stars from a sashing designed to do some heavy lifting. Students will need to purchase or bring two specialized rulers for this class- Studio 180 Square Squared and Studio 180 V block. This class is for all levels.
Machine Quilting

Freemotion Machine Quilting Primer for Sit Down Quilters
6 hours
In this hands on class you’ll learn the 7 basic elements that make up 90% of designs so you can change your focus to stitch motifs that look complicated. We will work on a panel quilt that will give us plenty of places to play and explore. Angela will show you how to change your focus so you can accomplish designs that look complicated. In class you’ll also learn how to use the magic echo to travel so you never get trapped or cornered. Are you just getting started with freemotion? Find your courage in this class! This class requires a $28 kit fee per student. They are provided a quilt sandwich made up of a pre-printed panel for use in the class. Kit fee includes extensive handout. LEVEL: Beginner

Ruler Spotlight: Straight Edge
6 hours
In this hands on class we will dive into using rulers on a sit down domestic machine or a sit down longarm machine. Rulers and templates can be used in so many different ways. Learn about marking techniques and how to get lots of design options from a simple straight edge ruler. You will need a ruler foot for your machine and know how to mount it. Angela will bring a stash of rulers to play with in class but bring any straight edge machine quilting ruler you own so we can look at it together. Handout fee $3. Supply list provided with signed contract. LEVEL: Adv Beginner
3 Hour Classes
Candy Dreams Table Runner
3 hrs
Hands On Piecing- This is an abbreviated class of the Candy Dreams quilt. Students will learn the strip pieced chevron technique which makes up the border. It is created using a Seminole piecing technique. Students will make this in columns for a great modern quilt while also learning how to use it for a border in a more traditional quilt setting. This class is for all levels.

Essential Skills: Beginning Custom Quilting
3 hrs- Design/Draw
Are you ready to explore custom quilting? This class will get you started ! Learn easy custom border/corner/sashing treatments that you can do from day one. Class is for both sit down domestic and longarm machine quilting. Handout fee per student on top of any class fees $5 LEVEL: Beginner/ Adv Beginner
2 Hour Classes

Background Bru-ha-ha
2 hours- Demo.
Break away from the common stipple and meander. Find your new happy place with easy filler designs that go fast and can be done easily! Leave the stipple stitch behind and walk away with with a loads of new designs that are ready for prime time in your next quilt top! All info applies to both sit down and stand up quilters. Handout fee per student on top of any class fees $6 LEVEL: All levels

Essential Skills: Thread, Batting, Tension
2 hours- Lecture.
Fill your brain with all you need to know about thread types, batting choices and how to set your tension reliably. No matter what machine brand you have (or don’t have) this class will give you the basic understanding you need to start your new quilting adventure. All info applies to both sit down and stand up quilters. Handout fee per student on top of any class fees $3 LEVEL: All levels!

How the Heck Should I Quilt This?
2 hours- Demo.
Bring in an unquilted top and learn how to “read” a quilt top to determine what to quilt on a top. Angela will break down each quilt and sketch out a plan for the quilting. You’ll learn what things will look best not only on your quilt top but learn from what suggestions are made on the other tops brought to class from the other students. This class is very popular and you will learn a lot about the genres of quilt styles along with how to emphasize a quilt’s strengths while minimizing any challenging areas. All info applies to both sit down and stand up quilters. No handout fee LEVEL: All levels

Feathers for the Chickens Among Us
2 hours Design/Draw.
Formal feathers have their place but the world of feathers is so much bigger than the typical over the top plume! Angela will cover dozens of different kinds of feathers that are perfect for all levels of ability! Some feathers are tailor made for modern quilts, others scream for traditional settings. Learn how to tell the difference and see how the modern quilt movement has influenced feather design. Find your own personal feather and discover how varied the simple plume can be. Supplies: Sketch pad, pencil or pen. All info applies to both sit down and stand up quilters. Handout fee per student on top of any class fees $5 LEVEL: All levels

Big Ass Borders
2 hours- Design/Draw.
Do big borders make your heart stop? We’ve all seen them… those ginormous swaths of fabric slapped onto the quilt to make it bigger. They can make a longarm quilter start to twitch! What are you supposed to do with all that wide open space? If Big Ass Borders make you clench up, take a stand and refuse to be intimidated! In this class you learn exactly how to transform them into gorgeous complex borders that are eye popping. Discover how to the approach to B.A.B. changes based on the fabrics used and the genre of the quilt top, too. There are so many great ideas in this class for those wide open borders! All info applies to both sit down and stand up quilters. Handout fee per student on top of any class fees $3 LEVEL: All levels
One Hour Lectures/ Trunk Shows

Trunk Show: Quilting as Matchmaker and Lifesaver: My Creative Journey
Angela took her first sewing/quilting class when she was 24 and hated it. Six years later life brought her back to quilting unexpectedly and she was hooked. What she didn’t realize at the time was how patchwork would be a lifeline through major struggles in the years to come. In this popular trunk show and lecture you’ll laugh and cry with Angela as you examine the creative journey that brought so many surprises and triumphs all with a quilty theme! This presentation seeks to celebrate how the creative path each of us finds ourselves on has many things in common. The important thing is to give ourselves permission to learn and grow while using our patchwork as creative expression that can feed the soul.

Avoiding the Biggest Blunders of Longarm Quilting
Angela Huffman, has quilted a mountain of customer quilts and learned a lot along the way. In this lecture you’ll learn from her mistakes. Find out how to deal with problem quilts, how to keep things square and how to avoid many of the pitfalls so you feel confident no matter what issues you face. Learn how to quickly set tension and how to tame wild borders. Understand what you can do for “friendly” blocks to help them lay flat. Find out how to interact with customers to minimize headaches and how to find the perfect customers.