Quilted joy

I’m Angela- Co-host of the Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting PBS show. APQS Long arm Dealer and Educator. Triplet Momma. Designer. Thread Bimbo.

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Quilted joy
Take a look at our new sign. Happy New Year! We'll reopen on Jan 2!
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. My kidlets stayed still long enough to get a quick photo on Christmas...
A Playdate with triplets- tigers and human plus a kanga and an ocelot!
I am still on a complete high! Last night I surprised my kidlets with an early Christmas gift. They had...
My Kidlets Are Now Freshmen!
This morning my kidlets “graduated” from 8th grade and are now Freshmen! I’m so proud of them. All three got...
BirdMan's Ky State Fair Ribbons
You’ve seen the ribbon haul from RocketMan and GooseyGirl… now for BirdMan’s ribbons!   He won third place for his...
BirdMan Has Been Published!
I’m so excited! As I was crusing through Facebook this morning I saw that someone had posted a photo on...
Kidlet's Win at MQX!
Circus With The Kidlets
Recently we went to the circus and we typically go every year. I just love it! When the kidlets were...
Scrappy Batik and Sewing with My Boys in the QJ Studio
Amy is a relatively new quilter who made this massive scrappy batik quilt. I think it measured 115 x 120...
BirdMan's Heart
BirdMan with Apollo A few weeks ago our family parrot, Apollo, passed away. He was a Green Cheeked Conure with...
Adventures in Dollywood
All those weeks I didn't post over the summer were full of plenty of adventures. One of them was our...
The whole family got ribbons at the Ky State Fair!!
I am so excited!! The whole family got ribbons at the Ky State Fair this year in quilting!! GooseyGirl won...
I'm back and 7th grade has begun!
Well, that was the longest hiatus I've ever taken from blogging over the last 6 years. I really needed the...
BirdMan became a Second Class Scout!
BirdMan got back yesterday from a week at scout camp. His brother wasn't interested in joining so this is kind...
My sons win at MQX East- a national Quilting Competition!
This week is the always awesome MQX show in Providence, Rhode Island. You may remember that my kidlets decided to...
BirdMan's Quilting Entry
My kidlets have decided to enter a national quilting competition. The prizes include a Wii, digital cameras and MP3 players. I’m...
Anna's Garden Checkerboard and a Triplet Halloween
Anna brought me this beautiful garden checkerboard quilt. She wanted it custom quilted and we picked out the motifs she...
A Visit to the Land of Lincoln
The kidlets, my mom and I got the opportunity to spend some time in Springfield, IL. I was there to...
KY State Fair Ribbons for the Whole Family!
Tonight we went to the KY State Fair to check on our entries! I even had a dream last night...
Birdman's Favorite Cat
The Photoshop class I'm taking is beginning to wind up but I feel like I'm just getting started! First off,...
Burning the Edges of a Photo
Quilters are visual people, no doubt about it. One of the best tricks a quilter has to enhance a pattern...