Anna brought me this beautiful garden checkerboard quilt. She wanted it custom quilted and we picked out the motifs she liked for each square and border. Dont' miss the miter she painstakingly crafted with the rose striped fabric on the outer border. I know that must have taken time to get right. It is beautiful.
I have all of my quilting motifs on my computer as a screenshot so my customers can select exactly what they want when we meet to take in their quilt tops. Anna selected a floral motif for the plain squares and a scroll motif for the checkerboard squares. The outside border got a large floral motif with angled corners. She was very pleased and so was I! Oh, and I never did post a photo of my triplets on Halloween. Here's there costumes. Gooseygirl was a gothic bumblebee. I'm pretty sure all that meant was she wanted to wear eye makeup and black fingernail polish. :) RocketMan was candy starved ghoul and BirdMan was a mad scientist.

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