Well, that was the longest hiatus I've ever taken from blogging over the last 6 years. I really needed the break. We've been swamped and I've simply been trying to keep my head above water for the last month. We moved into our new home. The kitchen is almost finished with the remodel. We went on vacation. Oh.... and we started 7th grade!
The other two kiddos in the photo are the twins down the street. They started 6th grade today. Gooseygirl couldn't sleep last night, poor thing! I remember that same curse happening to me the night before school started each year too. This year school was supposed to start on Monday but a big storm swept through on Saturday wiping out power, phones and electric to many of the schools in the city. A "snow day" was called on Monday and Tuesday so today is the first day of school. Imagine that, snow days in August! I've got so much to share with you this year so stop back by often or subscribe to my feed via email or a newsreader. All the buttons are over there on the right side column.

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