The Photoshop class I'm taking is beginning to wind up but I feel like I'm just getting started! First off, I love trolling through all my old photos. It has been too long since I've done that. It also reminds me I need to take more photos because these kidlets are only kidlets once, right! Here's my latest JP lesson. We made our own clipping mask, added textures, put in a text overlay, and came up with our own verbage using downloaded fonts. I absolutely LOVE learning new things! Meet Mr. Kitty. This fuzzy little guy has been sleeping next to BirdMan's heart since the week he was born. He adores this little cat and I think I must confess that I have a strong affection for him also. I'm quite sure that when BirdMan goes to college, Mr. Kitty will wait at home with me for him to return! So... here's the before photo:
Birdman's Favorite Cat, Photoshop Fun! -

And here's the after: Birdman's Favorite Cat, Photoshop Fun! -

Impressed yet? I sure am!

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