BirdMan with Apollo

A few weeks ago our family parrot, Apollo, passed away.

He was a Green Cheeked Conure with personality to spare. His chosen human was BirdMan and I know how much my son’s little heart has been hurting. In English class at school he had to write a poem. His first poem was a silly one about aliens living in his closet.

He came home from school, though, and said that after listening to the poems written by his classmates he’d like to write another poem. I asked him what his topic should be and he said, “Apollo”.

Here’s his poem:

Wrapped in a cloth as soft as himself.
His feathers are cold but as colorful as his personality.
Claws gripped as if still standing up.
Have you ever felt what it’s like to loose a part of you?
Eyes open staring at the ceiling.
Beak opened as if to say one last word.
Lying down to relieve pain.
Have you ever felt what it’s like to loose a part of you?
You can still see him happy and flying,
But that memory fades as you see his cold body.
You check what might have caused this but you
Know a bird never shows pain.
Have you ever felt what it’s like to loose a part of you?
Trying to remember the love and care you gave.
The first time you held him your bond began.
Over the years you cared for him and developed a special relationship
But a pet will never die without grief.
Have you ever felt what it’s like to loose a part of you?
I have.
Apollo 3/15/06- 1/19/12
5 ½ years old

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