Quilted joy

I’m Angela- Co-host of the Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting PBS show. APQS Long arm Dealer and Educator. Triplet Momma. Designer. Thread Bimbo.

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Quilted joy
A Visit to the Land of Lincoln
The kidlets, my mom and I got the opportunity to spend some time in Springfield, IL. I was there to...
GooseyGirl's To-Do List
GooseyGirl is home sick today with a fever. A few days ago she had this To-Do list on her white...
KY State Fair Ribbons for the Whole Family!
Tonight we went to the KY State Fair to check on our entries! I even had a dream last night...
Making a Photoshop Postcard
Here's my latest JP lesson from her fabulous Photoshop Frame Ups class. This photo is of my triplets at Great...
Storyboard Clipping Masks in Photoshop
Who knew Photoshop could be so much fun? Here is GooseyGirl and RocketMan on the beach in South Carolina a...
Burning the Edges of a Photo
Quilters are visual people, no doubt about it. One of the best tricks a quilter has to enhance a pattern...
Hand Tinted Photo Lesson
I'm taking a great Photoshop class from Jessica Sprague and loving all the stuff I'm learning. I wish she did...
My Triplets Turn 10 Today!
Happy 10th Birthday to GooseyGirl, RocketMan and BirdMan! Quilted Joy Blog Stop by QuiltedJoy.com for design inspiration, quilting options and...
Bobbin Couching on a Longarm
GooseyGirl has the flu now and her fever just isn't going away. Today she's at 101.5. Meanwhile, I've had a...
Family Herilooms of the Sewing Variety
I love this photo. Three generations in red! That's my mom and my daughter with me. I've been able to...
GooseyGirl Made a Tote Bag! (Tips on Sewing with Children)
GooseyGirl and I spent a day in the sewing studio together making this cute tote bag. She cut and sewed...
A Kidlet Spin on the Inauguration
Today at school they spent a great deal of time learning about the presidency and celebrating the inauguration. In fact,...
Rebecca's Coneflower Batik quilt
Rebecca's Quilt is a one of those quilts that just makes me happy. I think it is the hot pink...
"Stories In Hand" Class with Jessica Sprague
I've been taking the Stories In Hand online class from JessicaSprague.com and loving her teaching style. Today was the last...
Halloween with a Shriner, AKA Pap-Pa Jay
I'm finally getting around to sharing my kidlet's Halloween photos. This year we went trick or treating at their 90...
Purses Quilt & More Girly Fun!
I've got Sarah's purses quilt loaded and I've been looking forward to doing this top since I first saw it....
Ick - Sick Kids Vol. 2
GooseyGirl was home sick Friday. Saturday & Sunday it hit me. Now this morning RocketMan, upon awaking, asked for a...
Lakeside Triplet Vacation!
I just returned from a wonderful weekend with Jennie Beth and Sandy! My kidlets got to go intertubing, cliff diving,...
KY State Fair - Third Place Ribbon for GooseyGirl
Here's Item #2 of my "Things to be Ecstatic About" list. GooseyGirl got a third place ribbon in the junior...
Summer's Almost Over
This summer has flown by. My kidlets have gone to three camps and we went to Kings Island/ Great Wolf...