I'm taking a great Photoshop class from Jessica Sprague and loving all the stuff I'm learning. I wish she did this for Dreamweaver! This lesson was how to create a vintage, hand tinted look to a photo. Hand Tinted Photoshop Lesson FunHand Tinted Photoshop Lesson FunHere's the photo I started with: And here's my attempt at a vintage, hand tinted look: Hmmmmm..... I'm not really seeing how or why I'd use this effect but it was fun to learn about a new type of layer in Photoshop I'd never used. What do you think?
Hand Tinted Photoshop Lesson Fun
Then we had a bonus challenge to our lesson. It involved using brushes to add stars to the tinted photo. Here's my attempt. I don't know. It kinds looks like GooseyGirl has dandruff now. Hmmm.... Okay, now I'm addicted. Here's vintage-tinted sparkled RocketMan. Hand Tinted Photoshop Lesson Fun
What I've discovered is that ketchup stained cheeks give that hand tinted rosy cheek effect without needing all the fancy pants computer software. :)

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