I love this photo. Three generations in red! That's my mom and my daughter with me. I've been able to infect GooseyGirl with my quilting passion. My mother, however, seems to have taken a super strength inoculation against the quilting bug. I'm still working on her, though. My maternal grandmother dabbled in the needle arts but never made a quilt of her own. In fact, in the years after she became too ill with Alzheimer's to communicate, I found a needlepoint table runner where the flowers throughout the middle of the table runner were completed. It was beautiful and all that was left to be done was to stitch the background. I was so excited. I had found and rescued a family heirloom. This was her creative expression and I had the opportunity to complete it for generations to come so they could have a piece of Grandmother Violet. I took the needlepoint heirloom to my local needlepoint shop to purchase the wool to finished the background. I delicately laid out the table runner on the counter and explained the background of my new found treasure. The shop lady looked at me with a twinge of sadness and said, "Mam, I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you this. Your grandmother bought this at a department store."
?! Yep, my treasured heirloom was a kit my Mam-ma bought half done with the intention of finishing up the background and never got around to it. So...where it is now? In the back of my closet waiting for my grandchildren to find it and declare it to be an heirloom! LOL!

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