Suzie works at one of my local quilt shop gems, The Smocking Shop. It is a great little store with some fantastic machine embroidery wizards who work and play there. Suzie is one of those embroidery wizards and what she can do is amazing.
Oriental Embroidery Quilt
This is her quilt for her sister that features Oriental embroideries.
Have you ever seen an embroidered quilt where there are puckers around the machine embroidery? Take a look at Suzie's Oriental Embroidery Quilt. Not one pucker to be found! I don't know how she accomplishes that but I wish I could mind meld with her and get all of her embroidery knowledge. I bought a Viking Diamond about 1.5 years ago but I haven't fully used it yet. I have a couple embroidery applique quilt blocks that I want to play with but I just haven't had the opportunity yet.
These are only a few of the blocks. Be sure to really take a looks at how the slightly different hue of thread creates subtle shadows that bring the motifs to life. WOW!
She wanted this quilt to have an edge to edge quilting pattern on it but some of those embroideries are so big that I didn't want to stitch over them. Instead I stopped the pantograph just at the edge of the embroideries and then traveled around the outside of the motif until I could re-enter the panto path. It took a little longer but the end effect was worth it.
This panto is a new one for me. It is called Clawless and every other row is flipped upside down so that they nest together nicely. I'll definitely be using it again! It looks so great on Oriental themed fabrics.

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