If you've been following the blog or Quilted Joy's Facebook and Instagram pages, you may have heard that I had the pretty incredible opportunity to host a few episodes of the 2900 series of Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting. Those pictures up there are of me hanging out on set with Marianne Fons herself! Someone pinch me, I still think I must have dreamed it all up! The 2900 series began airing around the country in late 2016, but they just began airing here in Kentucky at the beginning of January. This Saturday will be my first chance to watch my episodes, with episode #2901 From Sea to Shining Sea finally airing on KET at 11:30am. I'll be working with some of my amazing longarm renters on Saturday, so I won't be watching "live," but that's what a DVR is for! In this episode I'm with Marianne and we're talking about the From Sea to Shining Sea quilt pattern Marianne designed. Marianne actually designed this pattern from an antique quilt! Have I mentioned how amazing she is? You can see a preview of the episode below. If you live in Kentucky and some parts of Indiana and Ohio, you can watch this episode of Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting this Saturday at 11:30am on KET. Be sure to check your local PBS station to find out when Fons & Porter airs in your area.

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