Earlier this week the Row by Row Experience 2016 officially came to a close. This was my first year participating in the international event, and I think I can speak for the whole team when I say we loved the experience! Back in May while we prepared all the kits and ordered all the supplies I was super nervous. Have you ever spent tons of time mentally preparing for something huge and overwhelming, only to find out it's not at all what you expected? I was terrified we were making all of these kits and only a few people would actually walk through the doors. Thankfully, Row by Row was amazing! I don't have an official number of how many folks came in specifically for Row by Row, but I'm sure we had at lease a couple hundred folks stop by to pick up a free pattern or buy a kit. What excited me most, was the number of people who were discovering our little shop for the first time. We had a map up in the shop for visitors to add a sticker to their home town, and you can see many of those folks live nearby. I'm hoping this means they'll be back again soon! Map with dots for all the Row by Row visitors at Quilted Joy I've seen a few pictures of quilts with the Quilted Joy row online, but the only quilt I've seen in person was Karen's. She was the shop's winner for turning her finished quilt in first. The extra sweet cherry on top? She rented one of our APQS machines to quilt her Row by Row quilt! If you used the row in your quilt, I'd love to see it! You can post it on the Quilted Joy Facebook page. Karen shows off her winning quilt from Row by Row 2016 Those of you who don't live near by and wanted to get your hands on Quilted Joy's Row by Row kit, you finally can order them from the online store here. If you placed a pre-order, your kit is already on it's way! Thank you to everyone who made Row by Row Experience so much fun! If we met this summer while you were passing through, I hope you'll stop by again soon - or at least next summer for Row by Row 2017 ;)

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