Fons and Porter's APQS
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My most recent guest appearance on the Fons & Porter “Love of Quilting” show is episode 2306 and is entitled “Quilting in the Sashing”. It will air in the Louisville area on KET May 17 at 11:30am. It will air on KET-2 on May 19 at 11:30am.  I hope you are able to see it! If you do not live in Louisville, check your local PBS station’s listing to find it with that episode number. I hope you like it. I’ve gotten some wonderful feedback from others who saw it already in a different part of the country. I’m never sure if I’m speaking in full sentences or even in English when I’m in front of a camera. Apparently I did both this time! 🙂

r2r3I’ve lost count of how many new longarm quilters we have in the shop now. It is so exciting to see someone use the machines for the first time and get surprised by how simple and easy they are to use. I really love watching the light bulb go off.  Here are some of the great new longarm quilters we’ve had in the shop recently.


What are you waiting for? Get in here! Sign up for your rental certification class and see how easy it is to finish your own quilt tops!


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