Terah recently bought an APQS Millennium and took the beginning longarm quilting class from me with her mom. They both love to quilt and traveled up north in August for a vacation. While the menfolk fished, they pieced quilts. That's my idea of a great vacation! This was one of the quilts they made it was this pretty log cabin. It was actually made out of the scraps left over from quilting a beautiful butterfly quilt that I'll show you next. Terah and her mom chose the Pretty Posie pantograph for this quilt top and its delicate lines look great on the log cabin. I've yet to piece a log cabin quilt but I love the way they look. I really need to put it on the "to do" list. My son told me I've been putting too many photos up of our baby kitty, Oskar. So, here's a shot of our squawky parrot, Apollo. He's the noisiest member of our family by far but my son sure loves him!

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