One of my local quilt shop gems, Among Friends Quilt Shop, has a block of the month program where you pay a fixed amount upfront and if you bring in that month's block completed the following month, you'll get the new months' block/fabric free. It is a wonderful way to learn new skills and get in to the habit of stitching. It is one of the ways I first started to learn how to quilt myself. Carol had her son meet me with her quilt top she did as part of this program and it is beautiful! I was so impressed by her son too. He said he helps her quilt and he certainly had more than a passing knowledge about quilting so I believe him!
Sashing Stars on Quilt
I love the balance in this quilt between the orientals and the regular prints. It is just beautiful. Carol chose to have Oh My Feathers pantograph placed on this top. An all over, edge to edge pattern is really the best choice for a quilt like this. With this many fabrics it would be difficult to see custom quilting. It looks wonderful!
Block of the Month Quilt WS

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