What a magical week!  I just returned from teaching at the MQX show in New Hampshire.  This was the first time I’ve gone to that show and I taught 6 classes, many of which were sold out!  Plus, I got to meet some of my personal quilting heroes who I’ve never met in 3D, but talk to all the time online.

Leah Day, Photo Credit: Jeffery Lomicka
Photo Credit: Jeffery Lomicka

It all started the first night when Leah Day sat down next to me and we started chatting.  I’ve carried her books in my shop and followed her trajectory in the quilting world, but I’d never gotten the chance to meet her in person.  Let me tell you, she is a perky, sweet, kind woman.  She was teaching a mountain of classes and she won the coveted Machine Quilting Teacher of the Year award!  What an honor!  Plus, it couldn’t have been bestowed upon a nicer person.  Her husband was working hard behind the scenes helping her and supporting her.  I could tell they are very much a team.

Next up was a forum with five of my personal quilting heroes, Cathy Wiggins, Barbara Persing, Margaret Solomon Gunn, Bethanne Graves Nemesh, and Judi Madsen.  The forum was all about how to set up your quilting business and how to nurture it to grow.  I really enjoyed hearing how these successful quilters have structured their businesses.  I kept pinching myself that I was asked to sit on this panel with these amazing women who I’ve admired from afar.

Angela speaking at the Quilter's Forum at MQX East 2015 

When you teach at MQX you are given a teacher’s ribbon to bestow upon a quilt of your choosing in the show.  I went around and found so many that I loved.  It was so hard to choose!  I finally found this one that made me stop in my tracks when I saw it.  I love everything about it.  The color palette is phenomenal.  The black and white dot fabric on the sashing is lovely.  The free motion quilting is wonderful!  Plus… my ribbon matched it too! 🙂

Sea Path Glass, Renee Fleuranges-ValdesSea Path Glass, Renee Fleuranges-Valdes

Sea Path Glass, Renee Fleuranges-ValdesSea Path Glass, Renee Fleuranges-Valdes

Sea Path Glass, Renee Fleuranges-Valdes

The highlight of the show for me was getting to spend time with my students.  I learn so much from them.  I get so much out of every single class.  Many of my classes were sold out and I had some great feedback from my students.  Teaching is so difficult and draining, but the rewards make it all worthwhile!  I hope to be asked to teach at MQX again.  It was a truly wonderful experience!

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