Did you see part 1 with all of my other favorite quilts from the show? Don’t miss that post as it also has the Best of Show winner.

These quilts were inspiring to me but some of them didn’t get any love from the judges. You just never know what the judges were looking for but if I was given ribbons to hand out.. these would be some of the ones I’d award.


This one was made by Margaret Solomon Gunn from Gorham, ME and is called Autumn’s Surrender silkpaper

I’ve never played with silk fabrics and thread but it is on my bucket list. I love how luscious it looks. silkcu3

Here is another expample of how to divide up space with some ruler work and background grids to create a whole new quilting level on top of the piecing.
silkcuThe outline stitches of the triangle shapes help define the space and the simple line work gives the star direction as it heads out from the center.

The next quilt made me stop dead in my tracks and if you’ve ever seen me at a show I’m normally walking at a pretty decent pace.heavenws

It is made by Beth Nufer from Brookings, OR and was quilted by Lin Squires. It is called Stairway to Heaven.


At first I thought the stairs were pleated but she made them look 3D with the outline stitches on the steps which allows the batting to fill up the space so the stairs look like they are headed up and away.


The feathers in the sky hide some doves.


An angelic dove is awaiting you at the top of the stairs.


Even the dolphins are leaping for joy in the sea.


Finally, take a look at this wholecloth quilt from Cathy Wiggins. She paints her wholecloths with amazing story scenes and then quilts the detailing on top. This is her fairy quilt.


She even included a poem!


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