I’m so excited! As I was crusing through Facebook this morning I saw that someone had posted a photo on Claudia Pfeil’s wall. BTW- if you don’t know who Claudia Pfeil is, you are missing out. She is a master quilt artist from Germany who will blow your mind with her quilting. I’ve included a closeup of some quilting she did on her award winning Turtle Bay quilt that has to be seen to be believed. I wish I could soak up all of her knowledge and skill! Click here to see more of her incredible quilts!

APQS Master Quilt Artist, Claudia Pfeil, makes stunning quilted masterpieces like this one, Turtle Bay.
Turtle Bay Border
Master Quilter Claudia Pfeil’s Turtle Bay Border



Anyway, on her wall was a photo someone posted from “The Quilter” magazine, Aug/Sept 2012 edition. For a second my little brain thought, “Man, that one quilt looks so familiar”. Then I realized it was BirdMan’s quilt! Published! In a magazine!

BirdMan's Rainbow Escape
BirdMan won 4th place at MQX 2012 and now his quilt is in the Aug/Sept issue of Quilt It magazine!

I’ve been to three stores so far this morning trying to find the magazine and I’ve struck out. I’m going to hit 2 more stores this afternoon. Cross your fingers for me!

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