Fred HortonThis is my daddy. His name is Fred, and he is in the final stages of liver failure right now. I wanted to get to the hospital today, but the ice and snow storm we've had will keep me home today. I've been thinking non stop about my dad and how incredibly blessed I am to have had such a noble man for my father. A while ago I gave my dad a book where I'd written in memories and thoughts I have about him. I'm so glad I took the time to put in writing how much I love him and why. Here is a passage I wrote in the book: "If I had to select one word to describe the personality of my Dad it would be fun-loving because he loves to laugh. He always has a silly joke and he always laughs at my silly stories. One of the things I love most about my dad is his tenderness because he isn't wrapped up in projecting a macho image. I've seen him touched to the point of tears. He cherishes the sweet moments of life." I love my dad and I'm so thankful he is such an incredible man who is an amazing example of love in action.

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