The first month of the year is over and I’m wondering where it went. Sometimes it feels like it will never end and then you turn around and it’s gone. Here is our long arm renter January review. We saw a lot of very pretty quilts this month! We’ve been posting them on our Instagram and Facebook pages, so for those who follow us on those apps, these may seem familiar. But they were so pretty, I thought those who haven’t seen them would enjoy them, and those that have would like seeing them again! :)

This panel was designed to be cut up

image of a green, purple, and pink quilt with motivational phrases about cancer

This is a quilt from Cindy. She made it for her friend to take with her to Chemo treatments. Purple and Green are her favorite colors. Cindy found a fabulous panel called What Cancer Cannot Do from Block Party Studios. She quilted this with a pantograph called Honey Drops. She also chose a Minky backing fabric and quilted it without batting. This made the quilt incredibly drippy and snuggly while still being quite lightweight. What a sweet gift for someone who could use the support!

image of a green, purple, and pink quilt with motivational phrases about cancer

Valentine's Day in our January Review

Colleen made this beauty using Melissa Mortenson’s All the Hearts Block of the month pattern. You’ll notice that Colleen didn’t follow Melissa’s pattern exactly. That is the beauty of quilting. She made this quilt for her granddaughter who was born on Valentine’s Day and she made it to suit her perfectly. She rented our APQS Lucey long arm with the Intelliquilter so she could quilt a pantograph called Hippi Love. I just think the wee blossoms in the corners of some of the hearts and the flourishes add an extra pop to the quilting and all those hearts.

Black and White Quilt for a Wedding

image of woman holding up a very large black and white quilt

This quilt is a large one! Starla told me that she just kept adding rows because she didn’t think it looked big enough. It’s big enough, Starla! This King sized quilt is for her son’s wedding. He asked for a black and white quilt and that is what she made him. I never would have thought that cream could be used as a pop, but I think it does. It adds some dimension to an otherwise two tone quilt. Starla quilted this with free motion squiggles. With all the drama in the different prints, I think it really was the best choice.

Split Rail Fence inspired at Disney World

image of a woman holding up a colorful quilt

Inspiration can come from the craziest places. This quilt was inspired by a Lion King sign at Disney World. It is a batik split rail fence where the outside edge changes direction and color. Sally made this for her son and quilted it with the IQ on Lucey. She chose a pattern called Hourglass. It adds some lovely texture to this quilt with all of its curves and points, subtle and alluring. A great addition for our January review!

close up image of a split rail fence quilt

Memorial Quilt for a Caregiver

image of a woman holding up a large quilt with plaid fabrics

Memorial Quilts are awesome. They are sweet reminders of lives that have passed. All of the plaids in this quilt were scraps from shirts used in memorial quilts from people who were at a care facility. Joy makes memorial quilts for the families of these people when they pass. This quilt is made of remnants from those quilts. She is giving it to one of the nurses who works there and cared for these people. What a wonderful gift. She quilted it with an all over meander. I really like the on point blocks and the pieced border.

We got to see a lot of quilts this month and were only able to show a few in our January review. We saw a couple of late Christmas quilts, and several Valentines Quilts. In February, I hope to see green and spring themed quilts. We could use some sun after all of this snow! Stay warm out there and keep quilting. And connect with us on Facebook and Instagram. We love to see what y’all been working on. It inspires us, too!

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