On Saturday Quilted Joy hosted an APQS Road Show, and there was an incredible group there! These shows are always fun, I get to meet excited and passionate quilters and watch them use a longarm for the first time. I particularly love seeing the smiles spread across their faces as they realize that yes, they can in fact use these machines! Take a look at some of the pictures from the day below.

At the APQS Road Show, you can test drive all of the APQS machines - QuiltedJoy.com Freddie and Quilt Path were on display at the APQS Road ShowAt the APQS Road Show, you can test drive all of the APQS machines - QuiltedJoy.com At the APQS Road Show, you can test drive all of the APQS machines - QuiltedJoy.comAngela demonstrates on the Freddie with Quilt Path at the APQS Road Show - QuiltedJoy.com

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