Recently my kidlets and I attended family day at the Frasier History Museum in Louisville, Ky.
They have a Civil War exhibit there that my kids found interesting. The entire museum is full of armaments and guns, guns, guns. There is a ton of reading and not much interactivity so my kids breeze through there pretty quick. I couldn't help but wonder how many souls met their death through the implements of destruction contained within that museum's walls.
The most interesting thing to me was the chain mail BirdMan is wearing on his head. It was incredibly heavy and I can't imagine trying to stay seated on a horse swinging a sword while wearing it!
I know there are those who find weaponry fascinating but it certainly isn't me. The only part of the museum I really liked was the part on medieval history. And I loved the performers they had stationed around the place.
Take a look at this bold quilt. It was made by a customer for a man so I knew we'd have to choose a more gender neutral pantograph. Lime Tree was the perfect choice.
It has the same shapes as the leaves on the fabrics and isn't too girly.
This is one of my most popular patterns.

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