My client, Sandy, has declared that she is a true Moda groupie. She said there is something about the fabrics they offer that just pull her it. This Christmas kit was no exception! Take a look at how the ornaments in the center are pieced and embellished with a line of embroidery stitches. Isn't it clever?
Christmas quilt with Moda Fabrics, quilted by Angela Huffman
I used a 100% cotton batting and an edge to edge snowflake pantograph on the top. But you know what is the best design element of all? The striped bias cut binding. Isn't that a perfect choice for the edges?
Christmas quilt with Moda Fabrics, quilted by Angela Huffman
Sandy chose to have me machine stitch the binding to the top and she'll hand stitch it to the back. I find a lot of my clients prefer me to do attach their binding to the front so I can take care of their mitered corners and the mitered joint where the head/tail meet up.
Christmas quilt with Moda Fabrics, quilted by Angela Huffman

This quilt is going to add a real festive flair to Sandy's home this Christmas, don't you think?






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