Are you planning any road trips this summer? The Row by Row Experience begins this Tuesday, June 21. Quilted Joy is participating for the first time, and we're excited to show you our row! Quilted Joy's Row for Row by Row 2016 In case you haven't heard of Row by Row before, here is a little basic information. This is the third year of the Row by Row Experience. Each year, participating shops design unique 9" by 36" rows based on a theme. This year's theme is "Home Sweet Home." Approximately 3,000 shops are participating, representing all 50 states, all of the Canadian provinces, and several European countries. You get to hop from shop to shop, picking up a free pattern or purchasing a fabric kit for each shop's row. After collecting your patterns, you can assemble them into a quilt to serve as a memoir of your travels or potentially to win prizes. Colleen, one of our renters, finished a beautiful quilt last year after picking up row kits while traveling out West. "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" This is our first summer participating in the Row by Row Experience and we wanted to celebrate our home, Louisville, Ky. When we began to brainstorm about this row, we had no idea that the world was about to lose a much-loved and revered person. Louisville’s native son, Muhammad Ali, passed away on June 3. The butterfly, the bee and the pink house were included as references to him because we wanted to recognize the contributions he has made directly and indirectly to our culturally vibrant city. He will be missed. The butterfly and bee, famous for being part of The Greatest's collection of poetic lines, are carrying a clothesline across the Ohio River with two miniature whole cloth quilts (yes, they are actually quilted!). Did you know Muhammed Ali grew up in a pink house? Did you know that Muhammad Ali grew up in a pink house? Ours is a little darker pink than his, but it was indeed pink! The second house on Quilted Joy's row is purple in remembrance to one of our favorite musicians, Prince We included a purple house because we are all Prince fans here at Quilted Joy and we are confident he and Muhammed are lighting up heaven right now! Three roses to represent the Kentucky Derby and elusive Triple Crown The three roses represent the Kentucky Derby which is the first leg of the Triple Crown - although you will see roses in bloom in our area almost year-round. Sternwheeler block for the many paddle boats traveling up and down the Ohio River Our row wouldn't be complete without reference to the river that gives this city its life. The whole row is flanked by two sternwheeler (half Dresden plate) blocks to represent the Belle of Louisville and the other steamboats which glide up and down the Ohio River daily. Our pattern and kit will be available beginning next Tuesday, June 21st - you must come to the shop to pick either up. We're looking forward to seeing you soon! Would you like to learn how to make our row? Liz - who designed our row - will be hosting a casual sit and sew on Tuesday, June 28 from 1-4pm. Enjoy some Row by Row camaraderie while you learn all the great shortcuts and helpful techniques to make the Quilted Joy row. Click here to view the supply list and register! Our license plates are already available! You'll find these fun fabric collectors items at all participating Row by Row stores. Each store has their own unique saying or phrase, ours are "I QLT! U QLT?" and "BLUGRSSQLTR." Stop by our store in Louisville, KY or order one today from our online store. I QLT! U QLT? - one of's Fabric License Plates for the Row by Row ExperienceBLUGRSSQLTR - one of's Fabric License Plates for the Row by Row Experience

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