Postage stamp wsLaurie is a new quilter and these two quilts are her second and third creations. Like most quilters, she is planning on giving these away as gifts. I got a call recently from a non-profit group I volunteer for. They wanted to know if I had any quilts just laying around that I could donate. I had to laugh. Every quilt I make is typically claimed long before the first stitch goes in it! I tend to look at the quilt making process as an extended prayer for the person I'm creating it for. I think about that person the whole time I'm making it. I consider what they'd like and how they'd use it. The quilt is layered in the thoughts and prayers I have for that person. Postage Stamp Quilt close up I have a feeling Laurie does exactly the same thing. This is a bright postage stamp baby quilt that is going to make some little person very happy. I really like the striped binding she had me use. The color palette, of course, is my favorite. The brighter, the better!Postage Stamp Medium

Her second quilt is much more subdued in its color choices. She made this as a strip quilt and I'm not sure what the name of the pattern is. I find this quilt to be calming and a natural one that someone will use to snuggle up with while reading a good book. Strip set quilt medium

She selected my budget value meander as the quilting on these two tops. That was a good choice as there are so many patterns in these scrappy quilts that the quilting is just going to add texture. I used a variegated Lava thread in the postage stamp quilt and a pretty green thread from Glide in the strip quilt. strip set quilt close up Lovely!

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