Luscious Batik Strip Quilt with Pretty Posie Panto, edge to edge quilting by Angela Huffman -
Pat is in my local guild and is a super sweet lady. She was working on this top at our retreat on her beautiful featherweight machine. I just adore batiks and if I could, that is all I'd ever piece with because they are so luscious. She wanted something that stayed in the Asian flavor of the batiks and she wanted an all over, edge to edge treatment. We batted around some ideas and then I found this delicate, floral pantograph from TK Quilting. It is called Pretty Posies.
Luscious Batik Strip Quilt with Pretty Posie Panto, edge to edge quilting by Angela Huffman -
I love the way her quilt turned out. This quilting design really allowed Pat's piecing and her batiks to take center stage. The quilting was subdued and offered some nice texture but didn't over power the peicing.
Luscious Batik Strip Quilt with Pretty Posie Panto, edge to edge quilting by Angela Huffman -

I asked Pat what her plans were for this quilt. She said, "This one is for ME!" Good for her! Luscious Batik Strip Quilt with Pretty Posie Panto, edge to edge quilting by Angela Huffman - You might notice I couldn't get a very good wide shot of Pat's quilt. I normally use the entertainment center in the family room to hold up the quilts so I can get a photo. However, we are painting all the bedrooms right now and the house is a complete upside down wreck! It will all be back to normal soon but, for now, my wide shot photos are going to be a bit funky.







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