My last post showed Susie's Five Little Monkies quilt for one of her expected grandbabies.
Nursery Rhyme Baby Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman
Here is the second one. She did some delicate embroidery in the center of each block with different nursery rhyme themes.
Nursery Rhyme Baby Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman
Nursery Rhyme Baby Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman
I framed each embroidery and added freeform daisies in the corners of the frame. You'll find all your favorite nursery rhymes on her quilt top: Mary Had a Little Lamb, Knick Knack Patty Whack Give a Dog a Bone, I'm a Little Teapot, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and more! Take a look at the sashings. I put a Leaved vine in the sashings and a petal flower in the four patches.
Nursery Rhyme Baby Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman
I think I need to ask Susie to adopt my triplets so they can get some super sweet quilts like this! You've heard of the cobbler's kids who don't have shoes....
Nursery Rhyme Baby Quilt, quilted by Angela HuffmanNursery Rhyme Baby Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman
Nursery Rhyme Baby Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman Nursery Rhyme Baby Quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman

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