Last week seemed to fly right past me! In the shop we've been catching up after a wonderful weekend with new APQS owners. I feel like every time I walk through the front of the store I see one more item I forgot to add to my latest orders. I've been working on customer quilts - more on those in a week or two. And I've had more amazing renters! Renters hard at work in the Quilted Joy showroom Carolyn used the Lake Susan Panto Carolyn was working on this floral beauty and decided to use the Lake Susan paper pantograph, one I've designed! She said she was looking for a pattern that would match her floral prints, and I'm so honored she was drawn to one of my own designs. It also meant I had to watch her quilting for a few extra minutes. While I've seen a computer stitch out this design a couple times, I've never watched someone else stitch it out. It's a surreal experience! Carolyn's quilt Suzanne's Quilt Husband and wife team Suzanne and Gary were back in the shop as well. These guys are a true team, and it's always great to see couples sharing the fun of quilting! Suzanne pieced this beautiful quilt as a wedding gift for a friend's daughter. She was joking that her friend has been trying to convince them the quilt is too beautiful to give away! Gary was working on a Christmas quilt Suzanne pieced. Last time they were here, they both used the paper pantographs. This time, they decided they needed to give the design boards a try. Check out the back of Gary's quilt, the quilting just takes over the fabric! Keeping busy makes time fly by me, but I don't think I'd have it any other way. Gary's Christmas Quilt Back of Gary's Christmas Quilt

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