How sweet is this patchwork sampler quilt Nancy asked me to quilt for her? Patchwork Sampler Quilt

I've had the opportunity to see many different sampler quilts over the years. I still believe sampler quilts and blocks of the month are a great way to learn piecing. New quilters get the opportunity to learn in small bite sized chunks and experienced quilters can get a refreshers. Everybody wins, right? Applique flower on patchwork sampler quilt Patchwork Sampler Quilt Nancy's quilt features some familiar blocks like the spools, friendship star, and North Star. You'll also find some applique and embroidery mixed in too. All in a muted and earthy color palette.

I especially loved this block with the trees and the handwritten quote "Quilting is a sheltering tree on the path of life." Quilting has certainly been a lifeline in my life and I couldn't agree more with the quote! Spools Block

We agreed that Nancy's patchwork sampler quilt has a very traditional feel. We wanted to choose an edge to edge design that would honor that look. Nancy loved the idea of a meandering feather, so we went with the Double Plume pantograph. Don't you love the way the quilting floats across the quilt? 2198-88 Charleston Red Quilt Backing Fabric

I quilted Nancy's quilt with Omni Thread in a tan color called Creek Bed. It blends in perfectly with her quilt top. But take a look at it from the back! Nancy found this beautiful dark red backing fabric in the shop called Charleston 108". That tan thread really shows off the quilting on the back, practically making Nancy's quilt reversible! Patchwork Sampler Quilt Nancy's patchwork sampler quilt looks so lovely!

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