Take a look at how much work Mary put into making this great Tshirt quilt for her son. What a labor of love, eh? I will occasionally have people call me asking how much it would be to take 100 shirts and cut only small bits of each one to make a tshirt quilt. They have no idea how much work goes into piecing all of those smaller pieces together into the final quilt. It is always fun to take a look at the shirts that were important to someone and I got a kick out of the tiny portion of a shirt from a "Do-In". I went to Harvey Browne Presbyterian Church when I was a teen and every year we had a retreat called a "Do-In" out at a camp. We played games, went swimming and typical church youth group activities at the retreats. It was always so much fun and I have fond memories of the fun had during those times. What a great little trip down memory lane this quilt gave me! Mary is giving it to her son for Christmas and chose the basic meander which is always a super choice to allow those shirts to be the star of the quilt.





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