Scrappy Double Wedding Ring with custom quilting by Angela Huffman -
Mary made this quilt for her daughter's wedding. She used swatches of clothing she had made for her daughter throughout her life. Plus, many of the other fabrics were from friends who wanted to be a part of the construction of this quilt top. Scrappy Double Wedding Right quilt on the APQS Millie Frame - Mary picked out a continuous curve for the rings and a daisy flower for the center area. It is a big one- a full king sized and Mary did an amazing job keeping all of those bias edges flat and pieced with precision!
Scrappy Double Wedding Right quilt on the APQS Millie Frame -

Scrappy Double Wedding Right quilt on the APQS Millie Frame - QuiltedJoy.comI love the sentimentality of this gift and I'm sure her daughter will love it too!













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