The Longarm Guild will be meeting next Wednesday, October 5 at 10:00am at the Quilted Joy showroom. This month we’ll continue discussing grid based quilting designs! Jacque and Sue volunteered again to come up with some fun ideas - thanks ladies! - but we want you to think some up as well. Use the three worksheets to draw out a few designs to share with the group. Everyone will leave with a packet of design ideas you can use on your next quilt! So that we might save a little paper, we recommend bringing some tracing paper and a clipboard. This way we can draw out our ideas on the tracing paper and can still use the handout again. Plus, our tables are a little bumpy, so the clipboard guarantees us a smooth drawing surface! Click here to print out the 16 patch worksheet! Click here to print out the square grid on point worksheet! Click here to print out the border worksheet! Don’t forget to bring your latest quilts for show and tell and an unfinished top for the “How would you quilt this” segment to get input from others on how to tackle a top. If you’re quilting for others, feel free to bring along a stack of business cards to leave in the shop! Would you like to receive email reminders for our next meetings? Click here to sign up for the Ohio Valley Longarm Guild newsletter. The Ohio Valley Longarm Guild is an informal gathering of quilters who love their stand up and sit down longarm machines. The group is open to owners of ANY brand longarm machine and is completely free. We meet the first Wednesday of every month at 10:00am.

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