Linda used her extensive oriental fabric stash to make this unique quilt featuring oriental panels.
I know the mathmateical struggle it took to place all of these panels into a quilt top and fille the background with the checkerboard piecing. Linda put in a great deal of work to get the panels to align and distribute evenly.
The panels she used are beautiful and most have the typical metallic look that you find in Oriental fabrics.
Linda selected a pinched square spiral, edge to edge pantograph that creates circles and movement which reminds me of the water you know those fish are swimming in. This particular pattern is similar to an orange peel design and brings strong cohesion to the design. Linda loved a beautiful metallic thread I had from Superior which has the peaches, blues, and greens found in her top. We used Hobbs Heirloom 80/20 as the batting and Bottom Line thread in the bobbin. Quilting with the metallic takes more time to set up as the tension has to be perfect. If it isn't, you'll be fighting constant thread breaks. Thankfully Superior's metallic has a little give to it and my Millennium machine LOVES this top quality metallic. I used a larger needle to make room for the thread and slowed down a little. It worked out great and Linda was very pleased!
I've been tagged!
Thank you to Sandy from Sew.......This is My Blog for tagging me!
The idea behind being tagged is to award great blogs with less than 300 followers and to get the word out about these wonderful blogs. The rules are simple!
1.Tell your readers who tagged you.
2. Add a link to their blog.
3. Award 3-5 bloggers who you think deserve this award.
Inform them & post directions to your blogspot.
Please don't tag people who already have 300 followers.
I tried to figure out which blogs I read that haven't been tagged and have fewer then 300 followers. Unfortunately I keep up with all of my quilty blogs through Google Reader and once I've checked them as "read" the feeds disappear until the next new post. I tried to go back and look at who I read that would qualify but it was taking so long and life started calling me to get workin' on some other things.
I read about 50 quilty blogs a day (at least) but since I read them all within my reader, I can't sort them easily. I really enjoy peeping over the shoulders of so many wonderful quilters on their blogs!
Thanks, Sandy for tagging me!

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