Calendar Hankie Quilt hanging on the design wall, just waiting for the inspiration! -
Take a look at this incredible calendar hankie quilt created and designed by Linda. She used hankies from her mother, aunt and grandmother to make this sentimental heirloom.
Calendar Hankie Quilt hanging on the design wall, just waiting for the inspiration! -
Calendar Hankie Quilt hanging on the design wall, just waiting for the inspiration! -
Each block is a month of the year with a theme appropriate for the month. My favorite is May. Since we live in Louisville, she made that block with a Derby theme. I love the Spires of the Downs in the background. Calendar Hankie Quilt hanging on the design wall, just waiting for the inspiration! - She has put a mind boggling amount of detail in each of her ladies. I'll be posting more photos soon. The June lady has a birthday cake because that is Linda's birthday month. Clever! Linda was thinking about having cross hatching behind the ladies. She wanted to keep it simple. I'm leaning toward curved cross hatching so it better compliments what I'm thinking about in the border. Here is a mock up I've been working on.
Take a close up photo of your quilt, then load the photo into your favorite photo editor to start practicing your design ideas. -
What do you think?
Oscar kitten just bein' cute!

Oh, and here's a cutsie pie photo of little Oskar.






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