Hankie Lady Obsession Quilt with custom quilting by Angela Huffman - QuiltedJoy.com
It is done and delivered! Linda came by to pick up her hankie ladies and was very pleased with how it all turned out.
Hankie Lady Obsession Quilt with custom quilting by Angela Huffman - QuiltedJoy.com
Hankie Lady Obsession Quilt with custom quilting by Angela Huffman - QuiltedJoy.comI am too! I want to take a bit more time with this quilt so you can really see how fantastic she made each month's block. First, the outside borders. Linda used the leftover portions of the hankies as a dog tooth border. I put a curved cross hatching swag between each hankie and flowers in the four corners. The inner sashing has feathered curls making this such a romantic quilt. I used light green thread in those areas as well as the outside border. All the skinny dark green inner borders and block setting frames have a loopy quilting motif. You can see that better in this shot from the back.
January block in a Hankie Lady Obsession Quilt with custom quilting by Angela Huffman - QuiltedJoy.com
This is January. I don't know if you can see it but the embroidery on her is fantastic. Linda even made her fur coat look fuzzy with the embroidery stitches. I love how the hankie is used as the lining for the basket and you can almost feel the cold wind tickling the hankie in the breeze. February block in a Hankie Lady Obsession Quilt with custom quilting by Angela Huffman - QuiltedJoy.comThis is February. She is holding a love letter with an embroidered heart on the envelope. Her apron is a hankie. I wonder who that Valentine is from. :)
March block in a Hankie Lady Obsession Quilt with custom quilting by Angela Huffman - QuiltedJoy.com

This is March. She is a quilter! I love her simple patchwork and I'm sure it is out of scraps from her kiddo's clothing she made. Linda used some detailed trims on her dress and the hankie is her bustle. Next post... April, May, June. Oskar cat Here's a cutie picture of Oskar. It seems the only pictures I get of him that aren't blurry are when he's napping. Otherwise, it is a streak of black zipping through the house.







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