Faye's Lighthouse quilt, waiting in the wingsHere is Faye's Lighthouse quilt I promised. She is a wiz at machine embroidery and teaches gobs of embroidery classes (and quilting classes and software design classes and... well, you understand). She teaches at the Smocking Shop and she also does maintenance work on Viking, Bernina and Brother! To say she is a busy little bee is putting it mildly. Oh, and she has a new little grandson who is, according the her, the most perfect, precious, adorable baby boy EVER! Faye's Lighthouse quilt, waiting in the wingsThis is her beachy fun quilt complete with fish a plenty and these whimsical lighthouse that seem to bend with the wind. I'm still fleshing out some ideas on for this quilt top. I'm leaning towards some water texture behind the fish, a frame of some sort around each of the lighthouses, and waves throughout the borders. Faye's Lighthouse quilt, waiting in the wings

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