Edge to Edge Quilting Patterns
Computerized Quilting
Man's Quilt
Rail Fence Quilt
Red and Black Quilts
University of Louisville Quilt
Karen's U of L Rail Fence Quilt

If you've spent anytime in Louisville, KY you'll know college sports are king here. As a quilter I've seen countless quilts in Kentucky blue or red and black. Having a quilt to leave out year round as a matter of pride, or just a good luck token for game day, is a great way to let visitors to a home know where they stand. There are many ways to do this. One way to make a spectacular and unique expression of your pride is to use the school or team’s colors in any classic quilt design.
For Karen’s son, pride is the University of Louisville. She chose to make him a rail fence quilt which is simple but bold with the high contrast colors of U of L, red and black. She included gray to give the right amount of variation that make the top so appealing.
She even managed to pick a variety of patterned fabrics that were all the same tone of red, black, or gray keeping the color palette focused, while allowing for some contrast and change to draw the eye and add interest to the piece. The placement of all the colored strips in this quilt is beautifully balanced.
Karen had us quilt it for her with a football pantograph. He played football for years as a child growing up, so the quilt is covered with footballs stitched in black Glide thread. This pantograph would have been so hard to quilt by hand, but my Intelliquilter was able to not only stitch in the iconic seamed football, but it also was able to include the rather intricate detail of the laces along one of the seams. There is no question that these are footballs, and not podlike ovals. What a beautiful gift!
Next time your pride inspires you to create a quilt to commemorate where your heart is, remember that the color and quilt top pattern you choose to piece is only half of the equation. You can add to the meaning of a quilt by the pattern you chose to quilt it. What would your pride quilt look like?

I’m Angela- Co-host of the Fons & Porter’s Love of Quilting PBS show. APQS Long arm Dealer and Educator. Triplet Momma. Designer. Thread Bimbo.
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