I just love it when I get to quilt someone's very first quilt. They have such a great sense of accomplishment! I know I was so proud of my first wall hanging. In fact, it still hangs on my wall to this day. Wavy, pouchy, bumpy goodness and all. This is Judy's first quilt. Let me tell you, there wasn't a bump, lump or pouch to be found. Her precision was unbelievable for a beginner. The quilt laid perfectly flat and square. I was quite impressed!
Rail Fence quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman
This rail fence quilt has such a lively, fiery color palette. I did an all over pattern that added dimension and great texture to the quilt top. This is a new pantograph pattern for me and is called Cascade. It is very versatile and I just love it. On this top it almost looks like flames fluttering across the top.
This is Judy's "Perfectly Pink" baby quilt. It is a square in a square variation and has a wonderful girly vibe to it. Some lucky little princess is gonna love snuggling in this beauty! I used a sweet pink thread and the Cascade Pantograph. This time, the pantograph gave off a wonderful feminine look - perfect for this lovely top!

Perfectly Pink baby quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman
I don't normally use striped fabric, but it always impresses me on a quilt top. It adds a bit of zing, 'ya know?
Perfectly Pink baby quilt, quilted by Angela HuffmanPerfectly Pink baby quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman

Up next, I've got a 36 block T-shirt quilt I'm working on for an accomplished teen. He's an soccer nut AND a Governor scholar. His quilt is going to be big and cozy. All in all, a wonderful Christmas present.

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