Commemorative Anniversary Signature Quilt
Judy commissioned this Commemorative Anniversary Signature Quilt to celebrate her parent's 50th wedding anniversary. If you have a wedding or anniversary reception coming up, this would make a wonderful gift. You could even do it for a baby shower with the center block embroidered with the birth details of the little bundle of joy. Imagine having muslin squares instead of a guest book at a reception. It would be a wonderful memento.
At the gathering she had muslin squares for everyone to sign and then she contacted me to piece them into this top. As you can see from the center embroidered square, some time has passed since the anniversary and she told me that some of the people who signed these squares are no longer with us. Can you imagine how much her parents will cherish this quilt? What a gift! Judy and her mom selected the fabrics and colors used in the quilt. We worked together using Electric Quilt to design the layout and I selected the rosebud frame for the center embroidered square to match the colors in the fabrics.
The scamble of letters on the center square, "FEAEAFTT", stands for "Forever and ever and after that to." Isn't that sweet?

For the quilting, I selected a leaf pattern for the sashing and did a freehand scroll in the sashing between the siggy squares. The outside border has a delicate leaf and scroll combo that I did in a dark green thread which shows up nicely from the back.

Of course, I had to include the most recent photo of little Oskar reclining on the carpet. He certainly has us wrapped around his paw!

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