This is such a great pattern for using big pieces of fabric in a dramatic way. Jennie Beth said she was able to put it together quite quickly and she chose some wonderful fabrics to showcase.
Bumble Bees, quilted by Angela Huffman -
There are little bumble bees in the print and the overall meander reminds me of the bees buzzing their way back to the hive. She made this quilt as a wedding gift for her son and I'm sure he will love it!
Bumble Bees, quilted by Angela Huffman -
Jennie Beth even did some of the quilting herself. She is a member of an internet guild I belong to which has a yearly retreat in St. Louis. This past summer I brought an APQS Lenni for people to try out and test drive with their own quilt tops. Jennie Beth did great although she did have to be reminded to breathe once in a while. :)
Bumble Bees, quilted by Angela Huffman -
Bumble Bees, quilted by Angela Huffman -

My kids are especially fond of Jennie Beth and her hubby as they have welcomed us into their lake house a few times. She is yet another quilter in my life that I'm blessed to call friend!




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