We love that new students complete our rental certification course all the time. Seeing the joy on their faces after they quilt their first quilt on our APQS longarm machines makes our day. Here are some recently-certified renters and their quilts!

Strip Set Quilt

Stella brought this sweet top in for her certification class. It is based upon strip sets which were cut into diagonal segments, rotated, and sewn into blocks. The soft purples and greens are so restful! The Periwinkle pantograph was perfect for her quilt, and she chose a light lavender thread that blended well with the purples, greens, and light backgrounds. Omni thread from our studio collection and bobbins that match the top thread are covered in the cost of renting, and we have many colors available.

Panel Quilt Map Quilt

We tell our rental certification students not to bring their best Paducah-worthy work to class for practice, since it is, in fact, practice. Rita's solution is perfect. She bought the map as a printed panel, then added the red, white and blue borders to make it a little bigger. She quilted it using the Star Dance pantograph. Her gold thread followed the theme of the stars and the borders and looked great everywhere on the quilt. Many of our students bring in panels, and we've even had students bring in muslin or solid fabric yardage. Remember, the key word is PRACTICE!!!

Panel Quilt Map Quilt Strip Piecing Quilt

Amanda brought in this red, white and blue top for her certification class. It is a restful, contemporary-style quilt that would work for a boy or girl. All it needs is some texture to bring it to life. Amanda used the Square Spiral pantograph, one of our most popular gender-neutral pantographs, to quilt her top and used a neutral thread that blended beautifully. Great job! Monochrome Grey Quilt

Finally, what do you do if you have a quilt made up entirely of neutrals? Add more neutrals! Debora's top is a study in the many shades of grey. She chose to add still more grey by using a medium grey quilting thread. To break up the right angles of her piecing, she chose the continuous spirals design board. We normally charge a small rental fee to use the design boards, but during rental certification class, they're free so many new longarmers take advantage of the opportunity. To learn more about longarm rental certification class, please visit our Classes page, give us a call, or stop by. We'd love to see you!

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