I had a group of new longarm owners in the studio last weekend who were eager to learn all about their machines.  I love teaching this class because I get to spend the day with a group of new longarm quilters and they always have a long list of great questions.  Of course, this means I never have enough time to talk about everything I want to say!

The first day was the Beginning Longarm class.  We stayed focused on the basics – loading and reloading, maintenance, choosing the right needle and thread, batting, and so much more.  As we were starting, we created a list of topics to cover during the day, and we managed to squeeze most of it in.


Because I never have enough time for the Beginning class, earlier this year I added the Advanced Beginning Class so I could cover a little more ground.  This class allows us to dive more into custom quilting.  I shared some of my tips, like using Evernote and Skitch (I have a couple of videos on my youtube page about using these programs, you can check them out here and here), how to read quilt tops, easy custom treatments, and stories of memorable customers.


These are such fun classes to teach because I meet some very eager quilters as they’re starting their longarm adventures. I had a great group last weekend, and I wish them all the best of luck with their new machines!

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