Debra sent me her angel wallhanging and was exceedingly patient as I moved my house and studio before I could get to her quilt. Then there was a family emergency and she had to wait a bit more.

I think she'll love the end result, however. She found this panel and pieced a border around it. I added details to the angel like echoes in the halo and cascading hair. I put folds in her dress but stayed off her face and the lamb. I followed the feathers in the wings to give them some dimension. She left the cornerstones empty and I used that space for four different motifs in a metallic thread that lends itself well to this beautiful quilt. The setting square got feathers to frame out the cornerstones. The outside border had a variety of fancy crosses. I used a simple meander around the crosses to make them lift up off the background. I did a simple curl in the inner skinny red border and followed the printed motif on the ornate fabric framing the angel. I hope she likes it!

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