If your winter and spring have been like ours here in Louisville, you’ve seen the weather jump rapidly from below freezing to warm and sunny to snow flurries, sometimes all in twenty-four hours. Michelle may have had weather on her mind when she picked the fabrics for this top that she brought in for me to quilt.

Snowy Walk in the Park Quilt

This pattern’s name is “A Walk in the Park”, but Michelle decided to add the “Snowy” to the title when she realized that she was selecting white and blue fabrics, some of which look very wintry. Some of the fabrics have metallic highlights as well, bringing the glitter of fresh snow to mind. I love how the narrow middle border brings all of those fabrics out of the center of the quilt into the borders.

Snowy Walk in the Park Quilt

Michelle picked the Pinched Square Spiral edge-to-edge design for her quilt. This is similar to but a little more intricate than the Square Spiral pantograph with which many of our renters are familiar. The gently curved lines in this design soften the geometric appearance of this quilt just enough, and the medium blue thread with which I quilted the design blends well across the entire quilt.

Snowy Walk in the Park Quilt

A funny side story: I used the new APQS scoop foot while quilting this quilt. Its shape helps it glide easily over seam intersections and the edges of the quilt. The bowl shape also collects lint from the top, or in this case since the quilt had metallic paint on some fabrics, glitter. It looked as though there had been a snowfall inside my scoop foot!

Snowy Walk in the Park Quilt

Beautiful work, Michelle!

Snowy Walk in the Park Quilt

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