Now that it's December, it's definitely time to get into the Christmas spirit! Or at least just a little bit :). When Coleen pulled out this quilt top, Kelsey was ecstatic! Coleen quilted A Christmas Story quilt for her daughter using the Turbulance paper pantograph - Watching A Christmas Story multiple times during its 24 hour marathon on TV is one of Kelsey's family traditions, so that leg lamp focus panel had her spouting out quotes from the movie all afternoon! Coleen probably didn't appreciate it very much. She has never liked the movie very much, but her daughter loves this movie and Coleen knew she'd love the quilt just as much. We probably had a little too much fun looking over all the quotes and pictures in the inside border of this quilt. Coleen used the Turbulance Paper Pantograph for this one. It reminded her of wind blowing the snow on a wintry day. ralphiefudge dare Coleen also brought in this Syracuse T-shirt quilt, I almost wonder if it was a way to cleanse her palate after working on something she didn't particularly like. This quilt was for her son, and I'll give you one guess where he went to school! She chose the Square Spiral Paper Pantograph for this quilt. This is a great modern and gender neutral design, and it always quilts out so nicely. Syracuse Tshirt SyracuseCU Next up we have two rental certification students. A lot of folks aren't sure what to bring for their first time on the longarm machine. We typically recommend bringing a quilt the dog can lie on or one that can go in the trunk of the car. Paula thought of a great way to get herself on the longarm while also helping others - she brought in a baby quilt for charity. We loved all of those adorable zoo animals in each block. And the backing was a nice flannel, it will definitely keep someone cozy and warm this winter! Paula used the paisley posey design board, a fun floral design that's great for young and pre-teen girls. Paula brought a charity quilt for her rental certification class. - Susan quilted this Spiderman quilt at Quilted Joy! Look out Marvel fans! Susan worked on this fun Spiderman quilt for her grand-nephew, and I have no doubt that he's going to love it! We have a great design board with spiraled circles that's always great for a kiddo quilt. It adds lots of movement, and in this case it also reminds me of Spidey's webs. Susan quilted this Spiderman quilt at Quilted Joy!

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