Embark on an enchanting journey through the celestial wonderland of Moonscape Mint Fabric Yardage by Dear Stella. The fabric unfolds like a fairy-tale, where a mint green canvas transforms into an otherworldly night sky. Irregular dots, reminiscent of whimsical stars, playfully dance upon this minty expanse, creating a magical dreamscape. As if plucked from the pages of a storybook, the mint background sets the stage for an ethereal adventure, where each dot holds the secret of a celestial fairy's footprint. Perfect for crafting garments, quilts, and decor that echo the enchantment of a moonlit fantasy, Moonscape Mint Fabric Yardage invites you to weave your own narrative under the minty glow, where every stitch becomes a thread in the tapestry of a bedtime story.
Additional Information
Weight | 4 oz |
Product type | Yardage |
Material | Cotton |
Fabric width | 40-46 |
Theme | Basics & Blenders |
Product collection | Moonscape |
Brand | Dear Stella |
Manufacturer | Dear Stella |
Tags: Basics & Blenders , Dots & Spots , yardage_collection