This is a gift for Kitty's daughter who is graduating this year. Don't you love how you can get a glimpse into what interests someone through the t-shirts that mean a bunch to them? Kitty made this top herself and asked me to quilt it for her. I don't have a photo of it but she used a white silky satin on the back. I hadn't worked with satin on the longarm quilting machine before but it quilted up beautifully. She did a great job! Plus, she's made two more for friends. :) You'll see those soon. They are going to use Minkee for their backs.
T-Shirt quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman
I did an overall meander through the tee shirts and I did the binding for her as well. Plus, she has remnants of other shirts that didn't fit in the quilt so I put a couple of those swatches on the quilt for her. I'm sure she'll love it!
T-Shirt quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman
T-Shirt quilt, quilted by Angela Huffman

This is my favorite shirt out of all of them! It says, "Born to Ride, Forced to Muck." LOVE IT!







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